Wizzer Bike
Wizzer Bike
Wizzer Bike
Wizzer Bike


The Whizzer Motorbike was truly the forerunner of the Mo-Ped, which was so popular during the late 1970's and throughout the 1980's. It originated in 1939 as a kit form 4 cycle engine that cou;d be adapted to most bicycles of the day. There were numerous engine improvements and in June, 1948, Whizzer introduced the "Pacemaker" which was advertized as the "only complete motorbike." Early Whizzer advertisements claimed up to 100 miles on a gallon of gas and speeds up to 35 mpg

Various versions of the Whizzer were sold through 1955 when manufacture of the motorbikes was discontinued. Parts were made availabnle and sold through 1965.

In 1998, the Whizzer made a comeback and they were manufactured through March 2009, at which time the company said it was on a hiatus although they continue to manufacture and sell replacement parts.

Whizzer Motor Bike

  • Year Built:
  • Vehicle Type: Motorized Bicycle
  • Built By: Whizzer Motors
  • Engine:
  • Owner: Woodland Family Collection